Thursday, November 24, 2011

11-20 (clinically proven!!!) Fat burning tips

Here is 11 through 20 of 50 fat burning rules that are based on clinical studies!!!

11. Guac Me
Avocados are full of monounsaturated fat, which isn’t generally stored as bodyfat. They also contain mannoheptulose, a sugar that actually blunts insulin release and enhances calcium absorption.
As mentioned in an earlier rule, keeping insulin low at most times of day is critical for encouraging fat loss, and getting adequate calcium can also promote fat loss. Try adding a quarter of an avocado to salads, sandwiches, omelets, smoothies, etc.

12. Go Green
The main ingredient in green tea, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), inhibits the enzyme that normally breaks down the neurohormone norepinephrine. Norepinephrine keeps the metabolic rate up, so preventing its breakdown helps you burn more calories throughout the day. Drinking green tea is a great way to stay hydrated during workouts, as a new study in The Journal of Nutrition reported that subjects drinking green tea and exercising lost significantly more abdominal fat than those drinking a placebo.

13. In The Black
Green, oolong and black teas all come from the same plant, but different processing causes black and oolong teas to lose their green color and turn brownish/black. Oolong tea has been shown to enhance metabolic rate due to polyphenols other than EGCG. Black tea may also aid fat loss: Researchers from University College London reported that black tea consumption can help reduce Cortisol levels, which encourages fat storage especially around the midsection.

14. Aqua Agua
German researchers have shown that drinking about 2 cups of cold water can temporarily boost metabolic rate by roughly 30%. The effect appears to be mainly due to an increase in norepinephrine.

15. Get Energized
Certain energy drinks have been shown to boost fat loss. University of Oklahoma (Norman) researchers reported in a 2008 study that when 60 male and female subjects consumed a diet energy drink containing 200 mg of caffeine and 250 mg of EGCG from green tea extract for 28 days, they lost more than 1 pound of bodyfat without changing their diets or exercise habits.

16. Whey Your Options
Drinking whey protein as a between-meals snack is a smart way to enhance not only muscle growth but also fat loss. UK researchers found that when subjects consumed a whey protein shake 90 minutes before eating a buffet-style meal, they ate significantly less food than when they consumed a casein shake beforehand. The scientists reported that this was due to whey’s ability to boost levels of the hunger-blunting hormones cholecystokinin and glucagon-like peptide-I.
As a woman who is not really looking to bulk up, I love IsaLean protein shakes! Number one, they taste amazing and number two, they are gmo free and use almost all organic products.

17. Thicken Up
When you whip up a protein shake, consider making it thicker by using less water. It could help you feel less hungry while dieting. In a study from Purdue University (West Lafayette, Indiana), subjects drank two shakes that were identical in nutritional content, and reported significantly greater and more prolonged reductions in hunger after drinking the thicker shake.

18. Say Soy-Anara To Fat
Soy protein is a proven fat-burner. In fact, in a 2008 review paper University of Alabama at Birmingham researchers concluded that soy protein can aid fat loss, possibly by decreasing appetite and calorie intake. The scientists also found that subjects drinking 20 grams of soy daily for three months lost a significant amount of abdominal fat.
Remember soy can be detrimental when consumed in the wrong forms. As a rule, try to stick to the least processed sources as possible.

19. Not So Sweet
Even though artificially sweetened drinks are calorie-free, drinking too many can actually hinder your fat-loss progress. It seems that beverages like diet soda mess with your brain’s ability to regulate calorie intake, causing you to feel hungrier than normal so you eat more total calories.
Other research suggests that the sweet taste of these drinks can increase the release of insulin, which can blunt fat-burning and enhance fat storage.

20. Go Even Greener
The majority of studies showing the effectiveness of green tea for fat loss have used green tea extract. One study confirmed that the EGCG from the extract was absorbed significantly better than the EGCG from the tea. Take about 500 mg of green tea extract in the morning and afternoon before meals.

Michael Symon's Pickled Chilies!

While coming up with gifts for my parent's always presents a feat of extraordinary research and/or creativity, this year with my severely stunted budget (thanks Americorps) has become an excruciating task. Ah, but finally, there is a bright light at the end of my gift giving tunnel of doom - Pickled Chilies. My parents love love love (in the words of my mother) anything "kick butt spicy". We also share an irrational infatuation with pickles. So, when brought together, it results in a bastard child named Pickled Chilies, which also happens to fit perfectly into my lack of finances!

Below lies the most wonderful recipe I could find, with the best reviews, from the notable chef Michael Symon.

Choose a colorful variety of chillis, fresno, jalapeno, banana, tomato, serrano—the thick fleshed peppers work best. The method is very simple, simply fill a jar with peppers, bring the pickling liquid to a simmer and pour it hot over the peppers. You can use them once they're cooled but they're best after they've been sitting in the pickle for a few weeks. They'll keep for a long time–how long, I don't know because I always use them up for I can find out.

Pickling Liquid
sherry vinegar
2 bay leaves
2 tablespoons coriander
1 teaspoon cumin
4 sprigs of marjoram
3 cloves garlic
2 tablespoons black peppercorns
1 to 2 pounds chillis (or enough to fill whatever vessel you're using)
Place chillis in a jar and cover them with water. Pour off the water into a measuring cup. Note the volume, pour off half the water and replace it with vinegar. Add 2 tablespoons sugar and 2 tablespoons salt for every three cups of liquid.

Combine your liquid and remaining spices in a pot and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes, then let cool slightly. Pour the pickling liquid over the peppers, screw the lid on and refrigerate. To use, slice into rings, chop or mince depending how you want to use them.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

50 (1-10) Simple Life Changes to Lose Weight - based on clinical research

Simple steps to help you lose that extra weight. Get ahead now before the Holidays!!! There are 50 in all, here are the first 10 tips.

A high-protein diet not only promotes hypertrophy but also enhances fat loss. Researchers at Skidmore College (Saratoga Springs, New York) found that when subjects followed a high-protein diet–40% of total daily calories from protein–for eight weeks, they lost significantly more bodyfat, particularly abdominal fat, than those following a low-fat/high-carb diet. One reason eating more protein may work is that it boosts levels of peptide YY, a hormone produced by gut cells that travels to the brain to decrease hunger and increase satiety.

2. Slow it Down
When you reach for carbs, choose slow-digesting whole grains such as brown rice, oatmeal and whole-wheat bread, which keep insulin levels low and steady, and prevent insulin spikes from halting fat-burning and ramping up fat-storing.
A study conducted by researchers at Pennsylvania State University (University Park) found that subjects following a low-calorie diet with carbs coming only from whole grains lost significantly more abdominal fat than those following a low-calorie diet with carbs from refined sources.

3. Super 3's
Not only will certain fats–particularly omega-3s –not lead to fat gain, but they can actually promote fat loss. Eating fat to lose fat seems counterintuitive, but if you keep your fat intake at about 30% of your total daily calories by choosing fatty fish such as salmon, sardines or trout as well as other healthy fat sources such as olive oil, peanut butter and walnuts, you can actually boost your fat loss compared to eating a low-fat diet.

4. Egg You On
Eggs are packed with protein and have been shown to promote muscle strength and mass, and research shows that subjects consuming eggs for breakfast not only eat fewer calories throughout the day but also lose significantly more bodyfat. Try a veggie packed scramble or a hard boiled egg for a mid day snack or as a protein punch on top of a salad.

5. Unforbidden Fruit
A study from the Scripps Clinic (San Diego) reported that subjects eating half a grapefruit or drinking 8 ounces of grapefruit juice three times a day while otherwise eating normally lost an average of 4 pounds in 12 weeks, with some test subjects losing more than 10 pounds without dieting. The researchers suggest the effect is likely due to grapefruit’s ability to reduce insulin levels. Try adding half a grapefruit or fresh squeezed juice to a few of your meals such as breakfast, lunch and preworkout.

6. Milk It
Dairy products are rich in calcium, which can help spur fat loss, particularly around your abs. This may be due to the fact that calcium regulates the hormone calcitriol, which causes the body to produce fat and inhibit fat-burning. When calcium levels are adequate, calcitriol and fat production are suppressed while fat-burning is enhanced. Adding low-fat versions of cottage cheese, milk and yogurt (Greek or plain) to your diet are great ways to boost protein intake and aid fat loss.

7. An Apple A Day
Apples are a great slow-digesting carb that contain numerous beneficial antioxidants. One group of compounds known as apple polyphenols has been found to boost muscle strength, endurance and even fat loss, especially from around the abs. While apple polyphenols appear to directly decrease bodyfat by increasing the activity of genes that enhance fat-burning and decrease fat production and storage, the boost in endurance and strength can help further fat loss by allowing you to train harder longer.
A typical large apple provides about 200 mg of apple polyphenols and about 30 grams of carbs.

8. Spice It Up
Hot peppers contain the active ingredient capsaicin, a chemical that has been shown to promote calorie-burning at rest as well as reduce hunger and food intake. Its effects are particularly enhanced when used with caffeine, and research also shows that it boosts fat-burning during exercise. Try adding crushed red pepper, hot peppers or hot pepper sauce to your meals to burn extra calories and fat. If you can’t stand the heat, there are supplements that contain capsaicin.

9. A Little Nutty
A study from Loma Linda University (California) reported that subjects following a low-calorie, higher-fat diet (40% of total calories from fat) with the majority of fat coming from almonds lost significantly more bodyfat and fat around the abs in 24 weeks than subjects consuming the same calories but more carbs and less fat. So be sure to include nuts such as almonds, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts and walnuts in your diet.

10. Organic Perks
Sure, it’s pricier, but organic beef and dairy are worth the extra bucks. UK scientists found that organic milk had about 70% more omega-3 fatty acids than conventional milk, and a study published in the Journal of Dairy Science found that grass-fed cows produced milk containing 500% more conjugated linoleic acid [CLA) than cows who ate grain. Meat from organically raised cattle also contains higher levels of CLA and omega-3 fats. Since omega-3s and CLA can help you drop fat as well as gain muscle, it makes sense to shell out the extra cash for organic cheese, cottage cheese, milk and yogurt as well as grass-fed beef.

Amy's Butternut Squash Soup

This soup is everything you want and more! Cheap, easy, healthy, low cal, and so amazingly delicious!


2 tbsp olive oil
2 onions, finely chopped
3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
4 sage leaves, finely chopped
2 red chilies, deseeded and finely diced
pinch of freshly ground nutmeg
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 large (or 2 small) butternut squash
peeled, seeded, and chopped into small pieces
2 potatoes cut into small pieces
5 cups hot veggie stock
Optional: chili oil and grated gruyere or goat cheese crumbles, to serve

1. Heat oil in a large pot, add in onions and cook over low heat for 6-8 minutes, till the onions are soft. Season with sea salt and pepper, then add in garlic, sage, chilies and pinch of nutmeg. Cook about a minute to bring out fragrance.

2. Stir in squash, then add potatoes and stock. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer and cook for 20- 30 minutes.

3. Transfer to a blender or food processor. Process until blended and smooth. Season again with salt and pepper.

4. Let cool completely and transfer to a freezer proof container. Can be froze for up to 3 months.

5. To serve, defrost in the fridge overnight. Reheat in pan until steaming hot. Serve with a drizzle of chili oil and gruyere shavings or goat cheese crumbles

Serving Size: makes 8 hearty bowls

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Detox Bath

Having just been seduced into signing a lease by an enormous jacuzzi tub, I find this idea thoroughly appropriate and enticing!

2 Cups Epsom Salts
2 Cups Baking Soda
2 Cups Sea Salt
5 Tbsp Ground Ginger
1 Cup (Natural - Braggs) Apple Cider Vinegar

Combine all dry ingredients and store in air tight container.
When its time to bath add one cup of dry ingredients and one cup of vinegar to the hot water.

Epsom Salts draws toxins from the body, while relieving aches and pains. Also promotes magnesium absorption which has been shown to help alleviate depression.
Baking Soda balances an overly acidic system, refreshing, energizing and softening skin.
Sea Salt soothes skin, healing open sores and blemishes
Ground Ginger increases circulation
Vinegar soothes and softens skin with an added cleansing property.

In the beginning...

While in the middle of relocating my entire life for a new job, I was turned on to Pinterest, which in turn gave me hundreds of great ideas, that lead me to having even more questions of what to do in my own home (and life). This string of consciousness lead to the realization that I need some sort of forum for these questions. Having found nothing to serve this need, I have taken the initiative to create my own space. So I must apologize if you are reading this in its beginning phases. Stick with me and I promise it will get better and more interesting AND be the host of many great ideas!